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Ten benefits of learning first aid in the workplace

There are lots of benefits of learning first aid in the workplace but here are 10!

Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   12 Jan

Ten benefits of learning first aid in the workplace



  1. Lifesaving Skill – First Aid really does save lives. For every minute that someone’s in cardiac arrest without receiving CPR and having a defibrillator used on them, their chance of survival decreases by 10%. That’s why it’s so important to act immediately. Many workplaces now have their own defibrillator so that they can provide the best care possible to their employees. Employees spend a large proportion of their time in the workplace and so it is crucial to have colleagues trained to save each other’s life in an emergency. Remember – you also need a first aider for the first aider!
  2. Skills Can be Used Anywhere – first aid is needed whatever the environment from factory, shop office to restaurant and school, accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere. Your first aider will be able to take their skills with them home and on holiday. Although your employees may sometimes feel reluctant to enrol on their course they will soon be converted if they have to use their skills on friends and family.
  3. Creates a More Positive Work Environment – providing first aiders in the workplace boosts staff morale.  Any working environment form shop to factory has the potential for a medical emergency and knowing that there are trained staff on site creates a positive working environment, safe in the knowledge that the employees are valued and cared for. Staff feel confident that if something should happen to them in the workplace they will be well cared for.
  4. Employees Feel Valued - training employees in first aid demonstrates to them that they are valued. Employees who feel valued are much more likely to give a positive contribution in their work environment than those who do not. The employing company may, as a result earn a good reputation among customers, investors and the general public for its hands-on approach to corporate responsibility.
  5. Patients Recover Quickly – a patient who has received prompt CPR and defibrillation does not only have a much greater chance of survival but is also at a much lower risk of damage due to the delay. Prompt CPR is essential in order to minimise the trauma caused by lack of blood flow to the vital organs in the body. In order to give a patient the best chance of a full recovery, CPR needs to have started asap. 38.8 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury in 2019-2020.
  6. Fewer Workplace Accidents – first aid training gives the employees a greater awareness of risks. With this knowledge they are then able to encourage the workplace to take steps to mitigate risks. O our first aid courses students learn valuable lessons that help to improve their working environment to ensure that there are fewer accidents. In 2019-2020 65,427 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR and 111 workers were killed at work.
  7. Complies with the Legislation - The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work.
  8. Enables Your Employees to Take Responsibility – giving your employees the correct training gives them the skills that they need to feel confident to take responsibility in an emergency.
  9. Ensures Your First Aid Kits are Used Properly – first aid at work courses train your employees to use their first aid kits effectively in an emergency. They will learn how to use the contents properly and gain an awareness in the type of equipment that they need. They will learn how to check the first aid kits and ensure that the contents are kep up to date.
  10. Your Company Will be a Safer Place to Work – first aid training encourages safer working practices and an awareness of risks in the workplaced. Quick and appropriate responses to accidents and illnesses ensure that employees are cared for in your work environment, stay healthier and recover quicker after accidents.

Finally – It’s fun!! Especially if you train at Bostock!


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