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First Aid
News & Articles

Treatment of Bleeding

Treatment of Bleeding

Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

When treating a bleeding casualty the aim is firstly to prevent blood loss then to prevent the casualty from going into shock and lastly to prevent infection.Follow these steps to ensure the best treatment:Sit
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Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

Anaphylaxis is a severe medical condition that needs immediate treatment. It is a huge over-reaction by the body to allergens such as drugs, food, nuts etc.The body produces large amounts of a chemical
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Resuscitating Children

Resuscitating Children

Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

Learn how to resuscitate babies and childrenMany children do not receive resuscitation because people are scared to attempt just in case they cause harm. It is always better to try than to do nothing.
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Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

Recognising and Treating AsthmaAsthma is a condition that affects more than five million people in the UK. It is a very hot topic at the moment as there are new rules about asthma inhalers in schools.
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Heart Attacks – What You Need to Know!

Heart Attacks – What You Need to Know!

Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

Dial 999 immediately if you suspect that you or someone else is having a heart attack.A heart attack is caused by a blood clot in an artery. The blood clot can block the artery causing death of that
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What to do if you are having a heart attack on your own

What to do if you are having a heart attack on your own

Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   30 Jul

Don't believe the "Cough CPR" Myths that are circulating Facebook. The British Heart Foundation give information on their web site about what to do if you suspect that you are having a heart attack. Here
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Showing 1 to 6 of 22 (4 Pages)


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