How to Treat Crush Injuries

How to Treat Crush Injuries Safely and Effectively
Crush injuries are most common following car accidents or on building sites. They occur when a large heavy object rests on a casualty. This crushing can impair blood circulation and cause a build up of toxins in muscle tissue below the site of the crushing. These toxins are potentially life threatening and when the object causing the crush is removed, the toxins can be released into the rest of the body causing death or serious harm. This is called “Crush Syndrome”.
If the blood flow to part of the body is impaired for 15 minutes or more then expert medical care is required when releasing the casualty. The treatment for crushing is as follows:
Less than 15 minutes:
- Release the casualty ASAP Call 999/112 and request help
- Control any bleeding / cover wounds with a dressing
- Treat for shock
- Monitor Airway and Breathing until medical assistance arrives
More than 15 minutes:
- Do NOT release the casualty from the crushing item
- Call 999/112 and give clear details of the crush and the length of time
- Monitor Airway and Breathing until medical assistance arrives
Always carry a first aid kit in your car as you never know when you might encounter such injuries. For more information about our first aid training please contact us.