Suspect a stroke - act FAST
One of the main aims of the FAST campaign is to raise awareness of the symptoms of stroke.
Posted by Jo O'Donovan | 29 Nov
Categories : First Aid

One of the main aims of the FAST campaign is to raise awareness of the symptoms of stroke. With over 150,000 people in the UK having a stroke every year, it is imperative that people can recognise a stroke when it's happening and take prompt action.
What are the symptoms of stroke?
To help people recognise the symptoms of stroke quickly, The Stroke Association has funded research into FAST - the Face Arm Speech Test - which is used by paramedics to diagnose stroke prior to a person being admitted to hospital. By diagnosing the possibility of stroke before reaching hospital, it is possible for appropriate referral to a stroke unit to be made as quickly as possible.
What is FAST?
FAST requires an assessment of three specific symptoms of stroke.
Facial weakness - can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?
Arm weakness - can the person raise both arms?
Speech problems - can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
Time to call 999 - stroke is always a medical emergency. (If they fail any of the tests)
If you are interested in learning more about Strokes, why not go on one of our first aid at work courses. Please click on the timetable at the left hand side of the page to see dates and venues of courses. If the venues are not convenient to you why not book a course in your own premises. It may well be cheaper.