DR ABC Poster - Quick Reference First Aid Guide - Free First Aid Poster Printable
Free primary survey first aid poster for you to download and print out. DR ABC
Posted by Jo O'Donovan | 20 Jan

The primary survey is the quick way to make sure that you treat a casualty quickly, efficiently and in the correct order. We use DRABC to do this and have created a first aid poster for you to print off and put up at your workplace as a reminder.
DR ABC stands for Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation and each need to be checked in order.
Please click here to download the free DRABC A3 poster ready to print:
Primary Survey:
1. D – Danger Always make sure that both you, the casualty and any bystanders are safe before you proceed.
2. R – Response Gently shake the casualties shoulders and call out “are you alright”. If they respond, do not move them but find out what is wrong and treat. If there is no response shout for “help” and move on to the next step.
3. A – Airway Carefully check that the casualties airway is open by putting one hand on their forehead and gently tilt the head back. Place two fingers on their chin and gently lift the chin to open the airway.
4. B – Breathing For no more than 10 seconds check to see if the casualty is breathing. Look for chest movements, listen for breathing sounds and feel for breath on your cheek. If you can not detect normal breathing perform CPR.
If the casualty is breathing normally go to C
5. C – Circulation Identify and treat any life threatening conditions such as serious bleeding or heart attacks. If there are no life threatening circulation problems you need to perform a Secondary survey.
If you want to find out more - why not book onto one of our first aid courses. Click here for more information.