Treating Shock

How to treat shock – shock is a dangerous condition that may be the result of blood loss, trauma, heat stroke, an allergic reaction, severe infection, burns, the list goes on.
Whenever you are treating someone for any first aid condition you should always bear in mind that the casualty could go into shock. Shock is defined as a “lack of oxygen to the tissues of the body, usually caused by a fall in blood pressure or blood volume”. If untreated shock can lead to serious organ damage or death.
How do I Know if Someone is Going into Shock?
There are various possible signs and symptoms of shock, you should keep a watch for any of the following: Cold clammy skin, rapid and weak pulse, nausea, feeling faint or confused.
What Should I Do When Treating Shock?
- Treat the cause of the shock - such as bleeding.
- Lay the casualty down and raise their legs.
- Call 999/112 for emergency help.
- Keep the casualty warm - cover them with a coat or blanket.
- Never allow the casualty to eat, drink or smoke.
- Loosen any restrictive clothing such as belts or collars.
- Keep monitoring their airway and breathing and be prepared to resuscitate if necessary.
Learning how to treat shock is a very important part of any first aid course as there are so many occasions where shock can occur. To book onto one of our first aid courses please click here.