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33.7 Million working days lost to job related health issues or injuries in the past year


Posted by Jo O'Donovan   |   3 Feb

33.7 Million working days lost to job related health issues or injuries in the past year

The HSE released the statistics for work-related injuries and illness and the figures are sobering. Approximately 33.7 million days were lost to work-related ill health and non-fatal work-related injuries. Around half of these days (16.4 million) were lost due to stress, depression, or anxiety. musculoskeletal disorders were the second most common, accounting for 7.8 million days lost.

According to the Labour Force Survey, 604,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury at work with slips trips or falls coming out as a top cause. Of the fatal injuries, the most common was a fall from height. The construction industry and agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors accounted for the greatest number of workers killed in fatal accidents.

Non-fatal injuries were divided as follows:

  • Slips, trips or falls on the same level 33%
  • Injured while handling, lifting, or carrying 17%
  • Struck by moving object 10%
  • Acts of violence 9%
  • Falls from a height 8%

It’s easy to book one of our first aid courses and learning how to treat an injury can be the difference between a fatal or a nonfatal accident. Our tutors are inspiring and fun and our students enjoy our courses. You can also book onto our Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace training to help create a mentally healthy workplace. For information about dates and prices click here. To book click here.


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